The Provincial Junior Hockey League is pleased to announce that Rob Nixon has been hired as the incoming Player Safety Director. Rob will be tasked with overseeing all current rules, researching and recommending updating rules when needed, and most importantly, protecting all Players, Game Officials and Spectators during PJHL games.
Rob Nixon has been part of the League and it’s operations for many years, including most recently as the Mount Forest Patriots’ Director of Hockey. Rob will start with the PJHL in a part time capacity as the Player Safety Director effective February 1st.
From PJHL Commissioner, Terry Whiteside:
“The PJHL recently has gone through a thorough process of advertising, vetting, interviewing and hiring a Player Safety Director. We had 16 applicants and 14 of them were good with a variety of experiences that related to the role.
In the end, the successful candidate, Rob Nixon has extensive experience officiating, has a strong playing background, has coached and managed in minor and junior hockey, has experience on the administrative side of minor and junior associations and also has a career background in discipline and investigations.”
The Provincial Junior Hockey League season is well underway as 63 teams will compete for the Schmalz Cup. You can watch the PJHL live on the new streaming platform SportsEngine play through the link here.
Please direct questions and inquiries to:
Mitchell Giamou
Social Media & Marketing Manager
About the Provincial Junior Hockey League
The Provincial Junior Hockey League (PJHL) is made up of 63 franchises across Ontario and is the largest junior hockey league in the world. We are proud to provide opportunities for more than 1,500 players to play competitive hockey while continuing to pursue their post-secondary education and career ambitions.